"Color It, Cut It, Spray It, Clean and Protect It...

Or Just Make it Better."

236 Leisure Road

Waxahachie, Texas 75167

972-935-9880 FAX 972-923-2973

Color it with............................. Lambert Southwest
Cement and Mortar Colors, Acid Stains, Stamped Concrete Materials

Material and Ceramic Chemicals Bulk iron oxide pigments for the brick industry. 409-756-8567
Cut it with................................ Welco Metallurgical
Diamond Blades, Core Bits, Cup Wheels, Tile & Masonry Saws.
Spray it with............................ SP Systems, LLC.
Compression Sprayers (Canister, Backpack), Barrel Sprayers
Clean and Protect it with....... PROSOCO
Masonry Cleaners, Water Repellents, Restoration Products
Make it better with................. Port Austin Level & Tool Mfg. Co.
Masons Levels, Squares, & Concrete Finishing Tools

email: holmesco@flash.net

For more brick related information go to www.ebricksolutions.com.